Why Nutrition?

Why should you take supplement-why Gel Plus?



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Why should we take nutritional supplements?

Ray D. Strand, M.D. – 医学专家医生,著有《你的医生不知道的营养医学知识可能会害死你》和《处方致死》。
他研究了10年,发现“高质量的补充营养素”可以让你高效,例如 :

  1. To build the immune system
  2. Higher resistance for disease
  3. Antioxidant
  4. Reduce causes of heart disease, coronary thrombosis, cancer, rheumatism, Parkinson, asthma, etc.
  5. Reduce a chronic illness



如果你至少有 1 个问题的答案是“是”,你应该服用“营养补充剂”

1. 你没有机会在每顿饭中都吃完美的食物,例如蔬菜、蔬菜
2. 你不必每顿饭都吃五色蔬菜或吃 2 公斤水果。(每天 80%)
3. 你吃油炸食品、烤制食品、炒菜(自由基的来源)
4. 你没有机会每周至少锻炼 3 次
5. 你想“健康到 120 岁而不生病”或你想比实际年龄年轻 10-30 岁
6. 你不想像其他人一样生病或残疾。这就像一种正常的方式

– 40岁:生病要看医生

– 50岁:慢性病,癌症,心脏病,糖尿病,高血压,终生吃药

– 60岁:住院,得癌症,做手术,花很多钱

– 70岁:住院2-3个月或ICU

– 80岁:残废,瘫痪,终生卧床或死亡


The first 5 reasons for people to choose “Nutritional Medicine”

  1. Good for health                              25.5 %
  2. Reduce illness and healthy          24.0 %
  3. Have resistance for disease         12.5 %
  4. Usefulness for body                       9.0 %
  5. Weight management                     4.0 %

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The usefulness nutritional supplements must be easy for every people to take.
Sometimes you have a very good nutritional supplement but you have a difficulty to take it.

Gel Plus products have no competitor because of to be the first gel-nutritional in the world.
Be absorbed 90-100% and won an award from American Business Award in “The Best New Product”-FLX.

Therefore, GEL PLUS will be a new choice for all people because of people on-the-go,
carry anywhere, and have a good taste.

为什么要服用营养补充剂 ? 为何要食用奈米凝胶食品 ?
Learn More! Why should we take nutritional supplements? Why should we take agel ?